Instead of wearing a boring red to the dinner party last night, I chose my beautiful Fantasy. My Aunties and Nana loved it! I'm thinking of getting it for the younger aunt as she gets acrylic nails and cares about her nails where as the others don't as much.
I was also asked a few times if my nails were acrylics or natural, and of course they were astounded by the truth ;D I always thought that my nails weren't that long, but after a few people asking if they were then comparing them to theirs, they felt like little claws lol. My little cousin Jack (who has just started school) was worried that I would scratch people all the time by accident LOL! And he wanted me to demonstrate how it would feel if I scratched his hand XD
I don't think I have ever scratched anyone by accident lol
Back to Fantasy! This is two coats here. Smooth like butter and so easy to control, much like Divine actually. Why can't more OPIs be like this?! Probably because then we wouldn't buy things like thinner and stuff to try and fix the polish haha.
I'm so excited for today! The boyfriend is checking to see if Peppermint Patti is out yet and if it is... He's going to get me one :D He is so kind, and lucky to be living in the city, I should be living there too next year n_n Weehee, that could be dangerous!
Right, I am off to make some Easter Egg nails!

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