Mmm Seasonal Peach, one of my faves. Seasonal Peach was re-released this year along side with Peppermint Patti in MAC's Sugarsweet collection.I was quite worried about receiving it when I heard about all the problems people were having with it, streaking badly and applying unevenly. I first tried it on my natural nail, little bit of unevenness, but not really that much to bother me.
Then I tried it over a coat of Zoya's Get Even, best ever ridgefiller, and it applied like butter. Stayed where I put it and didn't slope to the sides :) Perfect.The formula was pretty good, not runny or heavily thick. A very reasonable consistency to work with n_nb I am wearing three coats here. I highly recommend that you use a ridgefiller for Seasonal Peach.
Today my tutor taught us about Paraffin Waxing. If you have not had one of these, book one ASAP!
Holy crap, it was heaven and still is and should still be for 2-3 days.
As it is Winter, my hands are very dry and sort of... chalky? I'm not really sure, they just aren't soft and you can see the dead skin.
So, what is a Pariffin Wax? It is a soothing treatment for your hands and feet. You can get it pretty much anywhere - but we are only focusing on those areas n_n You get your hands (or feet) exfoliated then covered with a hand cream or masque, then coated in this lovely warm wax for about 10-20 minutes.
When it is taken off... your hands are instantly more plumped, smooth, soft, everything you want them to be. Oh, can I just say - It makes your cuticles look like a million dollars. It is so realxing too! My dad, sister and mum have already booked in for one by me hehe n_n I want to do my feet so bad!
I want to offer this to my clients all the time!
Tomorrow is another nail art day. But this one is different, these clients have booked in for nail art! :D I am always excited to see what they want and their lovely smiley faces when the job is complete ♥
I have been run off my feet this week... Sorry for the lack of posts :(Mum took me to a MAC Technique night not too long ago and with that, you got $100 credit to spend on products, and they were promoting the new Style Warrior collection.Of course, as soon as I sore the purple I knew I had to have it... Mum also edged me on :DSo here we have MAC's Violet Fire from Style Warrior. A beautiful deep purple with similar tonings to OPI's Purple With A Purpose. As soon as I tried Violet Fire I thought "hmm looks close to Purple With A Purpose" so I tried it next to it, and here are the differences:- Violet Fire is more shimmery, where as PWAP is frosted
- Violet Fire has red and blue sparkles, where as PWAP has just a warm purple/pink frost
I was contemplating for awhile to see if they were worth both keeping... I decided yes, but having second thoughts as Violet Fire makes me look pink - bringing out the red tones in me.The formula seemed quite watery. But nothing coat number three couldn't fix. It goes on quit sheer but builds up very quickly. Very easy to use considering it has a watery texture to it.Also! I did my own set of tip and overlay a night ago... If you struggle painting your bad hand... jeez, don't even go here! I think they turned out alrightish, well after some filing on the sides and it was my first go on me... I used transparent tips rather than French, as I wanted them purely for swatching reasons and French Tips are most popular for the clients. Mum has lined up for some nails too.Here is three coats of Violet Fire! 

These are my current nails, basic tip and overlay. My only tiff with these is that they are all sort of shaped differently... which really gets on my nerves. I hate being a perfectionist sometimes, sure you do good work and things - but it can drive you insane trying to get that perfect curve.And hopefully I get them off tomorrow. I have got one off, most are all chipped (more liek picked...) around the cuticle and sides, my right thumb tip has lost a corner, goodness knows how. My conclusion: Artificial nails of any kind, are not for me. I just pick and pick and pick. Absolutley great though if you don't have the time to maintain your own nails and don't fuss over little things n_nMy tutor has set me up with a client who wants nail art tomorrow! n_nb Excitinnnngggg~! Tutor tells me she has long nails too... woohoo! Long nails are always the best canvas for extravagant designs. Short nails can also look just as beautiful, just not as much space to play with :)