I'm so excited to go back to my new home. We had to move again because the people who got us in did the dirty on us. Our first rental together too :( Oh well! We found the most perfect apartment and roommate anyway! n_n
So I was craving a peach polish this weekend but being at my parents home, I have no polishes with me... so I had a sparkly pink franken and a bottle of Tangerine Scene.
So many colours were put into this franken I can barely remember half of them :( Sorry guys. It's not too difficult to franken a peach to your likings anyway.
That's what I like about frankening, you make it so it suits you! None of this seeing beautiful photos of it then buying it and finding out it looks like crap on you.
Please help me pick a name? I loved your suggestions last time! The only un-creative name I can suggest is Peach Ball... because you know, summer and all.... Ok, please help me.

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