Sunday, February 12, 2012

Comparison: Design-er De Better vs. You're Royal Shine-ness

I'm purging the stash again, I need to make room for almost all of those OPI New York Ballets, a few Hollands, a few Electro Pops and hopefully the Misa Spring collection.

Designer De Better and You're Royal Shine-ness are too close to own both for my liking. No they aren't dupes, but you know, they're both silver foils and that's close enough for me.

Designer De Better is a lighter silver with rose gold speckles running throughout. You're Royal Shine-ness is a darker silver that has a deep green-gold base to it. They both give great coverage and I can't fault them on their formulas.

So I asked myself what I wanted them for. A silver foil that's going to pop with an outfit, well they'll both do that... so I went with Designer De Better, just because it has rose gold in it. I love rose gold.

Designer De Better was released in The Muppets holiday collection a couple of months ago, it'll be really easy to find. You're Royal Shine-ness was a special Serena Williams release and may be harder to find in store, but online will be a breeze.

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