Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Color Club Maintenance Minis

I haven't been painting my nails much for awhile now because I ran out of Seche top coat and the Essie one just completely sucks, but then Color Club came to the rescue! By sending me a little pack of minis which include a top coat, base coat, strengthener and cuticle oil.

This is the little base coat included in the pack. I used it in the manicure shown here and it reminded me a lot of Orly's Top 2 Bottom. It was quite a thin base coat and a little goes a long way with Stuck On You. It also dries very quickly.

I thought I'd put it over these two Essie shades because they always seem to be a mission. Mint Candy Apple is a little streaky and Mink Muffs never seems to dry or stick. Well, for Minty it really did help with the streakyness, really seemed to hold on to it. For Mink Muffs.... read on...

It has been two days now and not a single chip/lift/peel! That's even with me constantly fiddling with my nails throughout the day, doing dishes, washing, typing... Stuck On You passes the test for me as a great base coat!

This was the first mini I used because my nails aren't in the greatest shape right now and could use a little strengthener. When I first got a whiff of this, it took me way back to my nail course days. It smells just like the top and base coat we had to use, so I do quite enjoy it just for that :)

Before Vitabase I was using Natural Nail Growth Stimulator just by itself. After applying Vitabase and wearing it for a few days, I forgot what it was like to have a strengthener on that doesn't peel! I do love the Qtica stuff, just the peeling drives me nuts... My Mum doesn't seem to run into that though...

Vitabase did make a noticeable difference in my weak nails but it did not make them as strong as say Zoya's Anchor does for me.

I was desperate to paint my nails! Then I remembered about this little Color Club mini. It's ok readers, we don't have another Essie Top Coat mess on our hands.

I found it was quite similar to the Stuck On You base coat, a little goes a long way and has a thin consistency. It did dry fairly quickly and I didn't acquire any dents or nicks within ten minutes of applying it and throughout the day I didn't get any dents or scratches like the Essie.

I applied it over Essie's Mink Muffs and Mint Candy Apple because Mink Muffs has always been a challenge to completely dry and just make it wearable really. Color Clubs Top Coat sufficed. I will be testing this top coat out on a few other colours too :D

Update: I've only managed to use this once because I really don't like the smell of it. It reminds me of medicine. Boyfriend says he couldn't smell anything though so I don't know... :D

It seemed to work ok though for the day I had it on but I know a one day trial isn't fair. So I will give it another go shortly!

This isn't a bad set of maintenance minis at all! I think it's a great idea as a gift for a friend or yourself as you get everything you need in one pack. They seem to work with other brands which is a major plus.

Have you tried these treatments before? How did you find them or do you have something you can't live without? :D

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